Cine Film reflections

A Thought Happening: The Voyage of the Line

The Cine film has a haptic quality that is not present in the digital Moving image, (try layering the digital on the Cine) a real-time thought process initially smooth albeit a tad haphazard but we are speaking internal nerves and migrating information through miles of miniature pathways. Leading onto broken disjointed flashing fried mono-snapshots of staccato moments and broken thoughts, shattered shuddering and splintered.

What would be the external result of that??

Once the interactions are determined, the analysis continues. Is there a hierarchy in the tangled mess, this scaffolding? A determining rhythm? A primordial and coordinating aspect? (Lefebvre 2013:43)

While playing throughout Interlude an interesting structural occurrence happened upon the film itself, the more it was played the more the pen line was scratched off, the more the film was scratched so inevitably one replaced the other in an ever evolving process.

The Looping of the film has placed the whole piece into the theatrical, installation genre very pleasing, and again unexpected. Rudimental and changeable. Visit at the beginning of the exhibition and you witness a clean line dancing/draw along the wall: visit during the middle and you witness a dancing, jittering line among growing thin straight lines: visit at the end and you witness a deteriorated smudge of what was a line spread across the wall-in places a line is left, and multiple thin lines building up to a crescendo of a thick sprawl in the background.

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